Das Tempo, in dem die biologische Uhr tickt, lässt sich durch eine Diät verlangsamen. Dies haben Forscher der Temple University in Philadelphia mit einer Analyse spezieller Veränderungen am Erbgut belegt. Quelle: Mit Kalorien-Reduktion lässt sich das Altern...
researchers show robust evidence that not only the inherited DNA itself but also the inherited epigenetic instructions contribute in regulating gene expression in the offspring. Quelle: Epigenetics between the generations: We inherit more than just genes —...
The T cells of the immune system can destroy tumours, but their activation can be inefficient. Vaccines that exploit tumour mutations elicit robust T-cell responses to tumours, with potential clinical benefits Quelle: Cancer: Precision T-cell therapy targets tumours :...
new data from a team of scientists lead by investigators at Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) has uncovered that the gene-editing technology can introduce hundreds of unintended mutations into the genome—a concerning find, considering the technology is...
A group of diabetics taking metformin had drastic changes in their gut floraThe drug speeds growth of two types of bacteria which help control blood sugar Quelle: Common diabetes drug may work by changing gut bacteria | Daily Mail Online
Biologists distinguish between two types of age: biological age, a measure of how well your body functions, and chronological age, which expresses how old you are. For example, a young person who drinks vast amounts of alcohol might have a very old liver. Quelle: How...
http://www.genengnews.com/gen-news-highlights/exercise-pill-boosts-endurance-promotes-burning-of-fat/81254295The team found that a chemical compound called GW1516 (GW) similarly activated PPARδ, replicating the weight control and insulin responsiveness Quelle:...
Here we show that a deficiency in H3K4me3 methyltransferase, which extends lifespan, promotes fat accumulation in worms with a specific enrichment of mono-unsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs). Quelle: Mono-unsaturated fatty acids link H3K4me3 modifiers to C. elegans...
The most important set of genetic instructions we all get comes from our DNA, passed down through generations. But the environment we live in can make genetic changes, too.Researchers have now discovered that these kinds of environmental genetic changes can be passed...