Apr. 20, 2017
imbalances in the composition of gut microbes in older mice cause the intestines to become leaky, releasing bacterial products that can trigger inflammation, block immune functions and reduce lifespan Quelle: Gut bacteria control age-related inflammation: Mouse...
Apr. 19, 2017
There are two chief ingredients in the CRISPR–Cas9 system: a Cas9 enzyme that snips through DNA like a pair of molecular scissors, and a small RNA molecule that directs the scissors to a specific sequence of DNA to make the cut. The cell’s native DNA repair...
Apr. 19, 2017
Designer-Sperma!Geht dieser Plan auf, hätte manches Kind bald Gene, die manipuliert wurden, ehe es gezeugt wurde. Der Eingriff in die Evolution soll unfruchtbare Männer zu Vätern machen. Quelle: Genetik: Und morgen? Designer-Sperma! | ZEIT ONLINE
Apr. 19, 2017
To test whether the changes in the microbiome had a role in ageing, Valenzano’s team ‘transplanted’ the gut microbes from 6-week-old killifish into middle-aged 9.5-week-old fish. They first treated the middle-aged fish with antibiotics to clear out their gut flora,...
Apr. 19, 2017
Zu fast jedem gängigen Nahrungsmittel gibt es offenbar irgendwelche Krebsstudien. Das Problem daran ist nur: Meistens gibt es sowohl Studien, die dem Nahrungsmittel unterstellen, Krebs zu fördern als auch Studien, die demselben Nahrungsmittel attestieren, das...
Apr. 19, 2017
Viele der Erbgutveränderungen, die zu Krebs führen, sind reines Pech für die Betroffenen. Sie entstehen durch Kopierfehler während der Zellteilung und sind nicht erblich oder durch schädliche Umweltfaktoren bedingt, berichten US-Forscher im Fachmagazin...
Apr. 19, 2017
Diversity is one of the keys to a healthy gut, he explained, the idea being that different microbes perform different tasks, and a diverse workforce brings more skills to the table. Quelle: BBC – Future – The microbes in your body that you couldn’t...
Apr. 19, 2017
DNA methylation (DNAm) has been revealed to play a role in various diseases. Here we performed epigenome-wide screening and validation to identify mortality-related DNAm signatures in a general population-based cohort with up to 14 years follow-up. In the discovery...
Apr. 19, 2017
Our genome is made up of 6,000 million pieces of DNA that combine four „flavors“: A, C, G and T (Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine and Thymine). It is our Alphabet. But to this base we must add some regulation, just like the spelling and grammar of that alphabet:...
Apr. 19, 2017
Seizing the hands of time. Some of the alternative medicines that have been slowing the ageing process